Performance issues and NMC's post upgrade to 9306. (XSSMigrationSchedule , cleanSoftwareCIs)

Performance issues and NMC's post upgrade to 9306. (XSSMigrationSchedule , cleanSoftwareCIs)


We are recently facing performance and crash (NMC) issues after upgrading to recent versions (9306 and above). Seems like there are few new schedules introduced which might be causing the issue. 

Two of them are "CleansoftwareCIs" and "XSSMigrationSchedule". They are actually one time schedules. 

If they are not completed and running for a long time it can cause issues, so if you face any performance issues get the output for the below queries. 

select * from schedule where schedule_name like '%cleanSoftwareCIs%' 

From the output of the above query , please take the  schedule_id and apply in the below query. 

select * from task_input where schedule_id= ID FROM THE PREVIOUS QUERY 

select count(*) from ci inner join softwareinstallation sins on ci.ciid=sins.ciid left join softwareinfo si on ci.ciid = si.ciid where si.ciid is null 

select * from schedule where schedule_name like '%XSSMigrationSchedule%' 

From the output of the above query , please take the  schedule_id and apply in the below query. 

select * from task_input where schedule_id= ID FROM THE PREVIOUS QUERY 

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