Tickets created outisde operational hours
SELECT "wo"."WORKORDERID" AS "Request ID", "mdd"."MODENAME" AS "Request Mode", "aau"."FIRST_NAME" AS "Requester", "dpt"."DEPTNAME" AS "Department", "cd"."CATEGORYNAME" AS "Category", "scd"."NAME" AS "Subcategory", "icd"."NAME" AS "Item", "wo"."TITLE" AS "Subject", longtodate("wo"."CREATEDTIME") AS "Created Time", "pd"."PRIORITYNAME" AS "Priority" FROM "WorkOrder" "wo" LEFT JOIN "ModeDefinition" "mdd" ON "wo"."MODEID"="mdd"."MODEID" LEFT JOIN "SDUser" "sdu" ON "wo"."REQUESTERID"="sdu"."USERID" LEFT JOIN "AaaUser" "aau" ON "sdu"."USERID"="aau"."USER_ID" LEFT JOIN "DepartmentDefinition" "dpt" ON "wo"."DEPTID"="dpt"."DEPTID" LEFT JOIN "WorkOrderStates" "wos" ON "wo"."WORKORDERID"="wos"."WORKORDERID" LEFT JOIN "CategoryDefinition" "cd" ON "wos"."CATEGORYID"="cd"."CATEGORYID" LEFT JOIN "SubCategoryDefinition" "scd" ON "wos"."SUBCATEGORYID"="scd"."SUBCATEGORYID" LEFT JOIN "ItemDefinition" "icd" ON "wos"."ITEMID"="icd"."ITEMID" LEFT JOIN "PriorityDefinition" "pd" ON "wos"."PRIORITYID"="pd"."PRIORITYID" WHERE ("pd"."PRIORITYNAME" COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = N'1. Critical') AND wo.ISPARENT='1' and ((HOUR(dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.CREATEDTIME/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00')) < 7.30 or (HOUR(dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.CREATEDTIME/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00')) > 16 and datepart(dw, dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.createdtime/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00')) in (2,3,4,5,6))) or datepart(dw, dateadd(s,datediff(s,GETUTCDATE() ,getdate()) + (wo.createdtime/1000),'1970-01-01 00:00:00')) in (1,7)) AND ("wo"."CREATEDTIME" >= datetolong('2018-01-01') AND (("wo"."CREATEDTIME" != 0) AND ("wo"."CREATEDTIME" IS NOT NULL))) AND ("wo"."CREATEDTIME" <= 1516629599000) AND ("wo"."CREATEDTIME" != 0) AND ("wo"."CREATEDTIME" IS NOT NULL)
Note: Operational hours highlighted in the query can be modified as per requirement.
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