9418 ppm- Unable to apply 9418 ppm in linux setup- warning error

9418 ppm- Unable to apply 9418 ppm in linux setup- warning error

Below message thrown in console when applying 9418 ppm 

"One or More Change Status notifications' subject and content are empty"
Please find those status names in updatemgrlog0.txt, update the same in Admin Configuration and restart the migration."

How to Troubleshoot?

1. Open the updatemgrlog0.txt and search with the mentioned string .In our case  "One or More Change Status notifications' subject and content are empty" 
2. Just check the above line,In our case it is shown as "Change statuses with notification content as empty are : 455222"
                  Means the change status with the name "455222" doesnt have any content in the subject and Message field.
3. Add some dummy content in subject and message  for that status "455222" 
4.Try to upgrade.

Root cause: 

We will restrict  users to apply 9418 ppm if any change status field (that has been included as a variable in notifications) doesnt have any values in it.
In our case "Message" & "Subject" variable of the status included in the Change notification but the content of the status"Message & Subject" is empty.


It is not the upgrade failure its just a warning error.Application will start even after this warning message.

I've attached the updatemgrlog0.txt for reference
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